Martyn Lloyd-Jones calls The Sermon on the Mount a “perfect picture of the life of the kingdom of God.” The kingdom of God is “not of this world.” In fact, it’s a “counter culture” kingdom.
In this upside down kingdom, the “poor in spirit” are blessed. In this kingdom, its citizens love their enemies. And in this kingdom, God’s people “enter through the narrow gate.”
Join us as we look at the Sermon on the Mount . . . God’s counter culture kingdom. Sundays at 9:30AM.
In this upside down kingdom, the “poor in spirit” are blessed. In this kingdom, its citizens love their enemies. And in this kingdom, God’s people “enter through the narrow gate.”
Join us as we look at the Sermon on the Mount . . . God’s counter culture kingdom. Sundays at 9:30AM.
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Service Times
Sunday Mornings
9:30 a.m.
Nursery for infant - 3 years old (at The House)
and Children's Church for 3 years old - 2nd Grade (The House)
Sunday School for all ages at 10:45 a.m. (September - May)
Nursery for infant - 3 years old (at The House)
and Children's Church for 3 years old - 2nd Grade (The House)
Sunday School for all ages at 10:45 a.m. (September - May)
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