Youth Ministries

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these,” Matthew 19:14

Our Lord, tells us to receive the kingdom like little children.  Children are trusting, dependent and full of potential joy - and we want to keep it that way!  Below you will find opportunities for your child to grow in faith.

Sunday School

Sunday Mornings - For boys and girls ages 3 years old - 12th grade
We believe that we are called to “train a child in the way they should go.”  In Sunday school, we seek to help children to “love the Lord with their heart and mind and soul and strength.”  Sunday school meets from 10:45-11:30 a.m.


Wednesday Nights - For boys in 1st - 6th grade
The Calvinist Cadet Corps is a non-denominational youth ministry organization that provides churches with ministry programs that will enable them to effectively share Christ’s love with boys in their church and community.   Contact the lead counselor to learn more.


Wednesday Nights - For girls in 1st - 6th grade
GEMS is an acronym for Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior. Our vision is to see girls around the world actively and enthusiastically expressing love for God and others—girls equipped, motivated, and passionately engaged in living out their faith. Our mission is to bring girls everywhere into a living, dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ.  Contact the lead counselor to learn more.


Wednesday Nights - For boys and girls in 7th - 12th grade
High school aged students can be easily “tossed back and forth by the waves” of the world we live in. But “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.”  Contact our youth leader for more information.